Who doesn't want beautiful sunny days when they visit Cape Cod, but of course, we know that living in New England, the weather is unpredictable and rain will fall. There's endless things to do when the sun is shining, but what to do when it's raining? I've compiled a list of things to do. Some the the activities are seasonal and I will indicate those.
If you need to get away from the stress you can always spend the day relaxing in our indoor heated pool and hot tub. The room is spacious and cheerful and a great place to read a book, swim, and visit. Call us at the Tidewater, 508-775-6322, or visit our website, http://www.tidewatercapecod.com/ for more information.
And of course, there's exploring the many picturesque towns on the Cape, each with its own personality and flavor in addition to the activities listed below. This is only a fraction of things to do. Feel free to give me your own suggestions.
Here's the list for "Rainy Day Fun" on Cape Cod:
Cahoon Museum of American Art, http://www.cahoonmuseum.org/
Cape Cod Maritime Museum, http://www.capecodmaritimemuseum.org/
JFK Museum, http://www.jfkhyannismuseum.org/
Osterville's Historic Museum, http://www.osterville.org/
Sturgis Library, http://www.sturgislibrary.org/
Zion Union Heritage Museum,
Cape Cod Museum of Natural History, http://www.ccmnh.org/
Cape Cod Museum of Art, http://www.ccmoa.org/
School Museum, Eastham
Woods Hole Historical Museum, http://www.woodholemuseum.org/
Cape Cod Children's Museum, http://www.capecodchildrensmuseum.org/
Pilgrim Monument, http://www.pilgrim-monument.org/
Provincetown Art Assoc & Museum, http://www.paam.org/
Expedition Whydah Sea Lab, http://www.whydah.com/
Thorton Burgess Museum & Greenbriar, http://www.thorntonburgess.org/
Sandwich Glass Museum, http://www.sandwichglassmuseum.org/
Baxter Grist Mill, http://www.hsoy.org/
Captain' Bangs Hallet House Museum, http://www.hsoy.org/
Edward Gorey House, http://www.hsoy.org/
Theatre and Music
Cape Cod Melody Tent, http://www.meloytent.org/
Cape Cod Symphony Orchestra, http://www.capesymphony.org/
Cotuit Center for the Arts, http://www.cotuitcednterforthearts.org/
Cape Cod Repertory Theatre, http://www.caperep.org/
Chatham Drama Guild, http://www.chathamdramguild.com/
Cape Playhouse, http://www.capeplayhouse.com/
Harwich Junior Theatre, http://www.hjtcapecod.org/
Academy of Performing Arts, http://www.apa1.org/
Bowling: Ryan Family Amusements
Billiards: Classical Billards
Indoor playground: Bonderz Party Zone, Cartwheels
Miniature Golf: Bass River Sports World-driving range,arcade, skate park
Pirates Cove- arcade
Trampolines: Jump on Us, W. Yarmouth
ZooQuarium, combination zoo and aquarium
Cape Cod Chip Factory tours
Regal Theatres, Cape Cod Mall
Entertainment Cinemas, S. Dennis
Wellfleet Drive In
Cape Cod Central Railroad, scenic, lunchion, dinner train (seasonal)
Cape Cod Mall, Hyannis
Christmas Tree Shops, Hyannis, S. Yarmouth, Dennis
Mashpee Commons
Bass River Merchantile
A Touch of Cape Cod
Mrs. Mitchell's Gifts
Main Street, Hyannis
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