As I was reading the Boston Globe in the evening, I saw a picture of a beautiful hummingbird, the broad-billed hummingbird. Unlike the ruby-throated hummingbirds found on the Cape, this bird has an iridescent blue throat, a green belly and a reddish orange bill with a black tip. I was especially interested in this article because the Tidewater has a landscaped picnic area with perennial gardens next to the diner. Every evening, my husband and I bring our dinner to one of the tables next to the gardens and enjoy the beautiful flowers and the view of Mill Pond.
We especially enjoy watching the wildlife and the many beautiful birds that frequent the area. A couple of days ago, as I was relaxing I saw a hummingbird visiting my garden and flowers. He enjoyed extracting nectar from the phlox. He didn't appear to be the typical reddish color, but unfortunately, I didn't look closely enough for fear of scaring him away. Now that I know that we have a visitor in our area, I'll look more closely to see if the broad-billed is visiting the Tidewater. Nonetheless, I do enjoy the peaceful evenings and watching our fine feathered friends. For the dedicated birders, this little oasis on route 28 is a retreat for many birds.
If you come to the Tidewater, enjoy a picnic outdoors and lookout for the many birds that visit us.
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