Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Original Thanksgiving, Plimoth Plantation

Looking for an authentic & historical Thanksgiving experience? Return to the roots of Thanksgiving with "America's Thanksgiving Dinner" held at Plimoth Plantation. The dinners which feature a choice of a three course sit down meal or a buffet, also allow visitors to intereact with role-playing residents of the 17th century village and learn about the original Thanksgiving. Great experience for kids. For more information, visit their website,

Plymouth, "America's Hometown" also has a parade on Thanksgiving morning. Plymouth is only 30 minutes from the Tidewater. Don't forget, we still have a few rooms left for $59.99 per night.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Antiques on Cape Cod

Route 6A on Cape Cod is one of the most scenic routes of the Cape and this route is an antique lover's paradise. The road itself—also called the Old King’s Highway—is a treasure, lined with historic houses, ancient cemeteries, stone walls, views of salt marshes—and antique shops. Almost all of these shops are open year-round, but particularly in the off-season, it’s wise to call ahead. There's a great article on Cape Cod Life that gives information on antique shops along 6A:

Shop for yourself or find unique gifts for the holidays. Stay on the Cape and take advantage of the Tidewater's special off season pricing  Visit our Tidewater's Manager's Special page for details:

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Theatre on Ice On Cape

Who would have thought that we would have world class figure skating on Cape Cod. On April 6th through the 8th, hundreds of skaters from all over the world will compete in the US Figure Skating-sanctioned second Nations Cup which will take in Hyannis! This will be the very first time the international Theatre on Ice event is held on American soil and the Hyannis Youth & Community Center (HYCC) will be the main rink where teams from as far away as France, Spain, Russia, Switzerland, Ukraine and Australia will compete. After the Olympic-style closing ceremonies and medal presentations, the fourth Theatre on Ice National Competition will take place on April 9 and 10. Thirty to fifty teams from all over the United States will be competing. Tickets are $45 till April 1, when they'll increase to $60. (There are discounts for seniors and students.) Tickets go on sale December 1 at HYCC, or online at

If you love skating or have a children that skate, why not make plans to visit the

Cape in April. There might not be another opportunity to watch international skating skating at home. Call us at 508-775 or visit our website http://www.tidewatercapecod/ for reservations.